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Welcome to neXendo Wellness

Welcome to the launch of neXendo wellness. We are excited to be a one stop shop for all things wellness.

In order to understand what this program is all about, we must first discuss how it all got started. Dr. Manessis is the owner of Endocrine Associates of West Village, an outpatient Endocrinology office. Dr. Manessis holds two board certifications in Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolism and Obesity Medicine. For years, Dr. Manessis has witnessed how health is impacted by multiple factors ranging from medication to hormones and diet. Understanding health as a dynamic entity wasn’t enough for him. In order to truly help his patients, he wanted to build a program that focuses on all aspects of health.

One idea, has lead to the birth of neXendo Wellness. The name itself stands for Nutrition, Exercise and Endocrinology. We consider these to be the big three factors impacting health.

While our name is narrowed down to three aspects of health, neXendo wellness also firmly believes in the roles other lifestyle factors such as sleep, metabolism, stress management play on our health.

So here we are. April 1st 2021. Launch day!

It’s been a really rough year for all of us. Navigating a pandemic has placed an extra level of scrutiny on our health. A year like this has clearly shown us that health is something we need to focus more on. Getting healthy and staying healthy Is much more than losing some weight. It’s understanding all aspects of health and how we can optimize our entire lifestyle.

I guess the big question is, HOW CAN WE HELP?

neXendo wellness will be providing multiple services.

Nutrition Counseling:

It is time to unlearn the fad diet. While restricting anything can lead to weight loss and therefore the keto diet or the soup diet or any diet focusing on one single aspect of food can work in the short term, we see that the results do not last and actually leads to a higher weight than what you started at.

However, working with a Registered Dietitian is completely different. After reviewing your medical history and listening to your goals, diet, lifestyle and needs, our RD will provide an unique approach to nutrition that will help you achieve your goals. This is not a diet. This is a lifestyle change. One that will consider your needs and likes. One that will be manageable and sustainable. One that will increase your health but also your knowledge.

An informed person will always have the knowledge to get and stay healthy.

We also have state-of-the-art tools to help us along the way such as our metabolic rate test machine and our body composition analysis scale.

Personal Training:

Gyms have had a stigma in the past of being intimidating. Taking into consideration this past year, a gym may also seem a bit unsafe due to COVID.

Our gym at Long Island City solves both of these issues. No longer do you have to feel intimidate or confused about how to start a workout program. Our Certified Personal Trainer is here to assess you and create a program specialized for your level of fitness. You will also work in a one-on-one environment ensuring an extra level of safety during this pandemic.

Medical Weight Loss:

Struggling with weight is more common than you think. If you are someone who has tried dieting in the past, has incorporated exercise and is just fed up with not seeing results our medical weight loss program may be for you.

Our program includes a team of a Medical Doctor, a Registered Dietitian and a Personal Trainer who will ensure weight loss. Blood work and medical examination will allow our Doctor to decide the medical intervention needed. Our Registered Dietitian will review with you the option to choose a low calorie meal plan or meal replacement program. Our Personal Trainer will review the basics of exercise with you and get your started on at minimum an at home workout program. Weekly check ins, medication, exercise, nutrition education, and metabolic testing will all ensure you lose weight. And our providers will make sure you are equipped to maintain weight loss after the program ends.

Social Media:

An example of this, is what you are reading now. Even if you are not going to take part in of any of our services, we will love for you to connect with us as often as daily via out Instagram or weekly on our blog. We are excited to provide free information to you via social media. Look out for us @nexendowellness and follow our Registered Dietitian @caraballosanutrition on Instagram.

In a nutshell

We are extremely excited to have a program up and running for you guys. After reading this post, if you have not yet already done so, browse our website. You have the option to reach out to discuss any of our programs. Check back here at regularly for new blogs and updates. Clink the Instagram link on the bottom to start following us. We look forward to meeting and working with all of you.

Welcome to the neXendo Wellness Family!

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