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Help! I’m Struggling to Lose Weight

Help! I’m Struggling to Lose Weight

Weight loss can be a challenge. After trying numerous diet options, products, and fitness plans that promise results and not seeing any, you’ll quickly find that weight loss doesn’t necessarily work with a one-size-fits-all approach. Fortunately, medical weight loss gives you more control and works with your body’s unique needs in mind. 

At our offices in Long Island City, New York, and Murray Hill in New York City, neXendo Wellness provides individualized medical weight loss services that can give you long-term results. 

Endocrinologist Anastasios Manessis, MD, FACE, ECNU, ABOM, and registered dietician and personal trainer Brandon Caraballosa, MS, RD, CDN, CPT, can help you lose weight with personalized education, diet planning, training, and meal replacements. 

Here’s how you can stop struggling to lose weight and start seeing results from your hard work.

Staying organized

One reason why you might not see a reduction in your weight despite your best attempts is a lack of organization. Instead of loosely following dietary recommendations, you should keep track of everything you eat. If you don’t, you likely have little or no idea how much you’re actually eating. 

By tracking your eating habits with a journal or an app, you can make sure you get enough protein. By including protein as 25-30% of the calories you consume, you can boost your metabolism by up to 100 calories per day. Plus, eating lots of protein helps you feel full faster, so you can limit snacking and portion size. 

Fitness is key

Whether you work with a personal trainer or work out independently, be sure to get plenty of exercise while you work toward your weight loss goals. Even though your diet plays a more significant role in losing weight, exercise has considerable benefits, too. 

Beyond being good for your cardiovascular health and general well-being, aerobic exercises that increase your heart rate such as running and cycling help burn away the fat around your belly. Visceral fat accumulates around abdominal organs and can cause health complications over time, so cardio workouts are essential. 

Resistance training, or lifting weights, is also crucial for effective weight loss. Doing it regularly helps you maintain a speedy metabolism and helps you maintain your muscle mass as you lose body fat.

Sleep is more important than you might think

Most people recognize that a structured diet and exercise program are both essential for healthy weight loss. Yet, many people overlook the importance of sleep. Poor sleep is a major risk factor for weight gain in people of all ages. Even if you eat well and work out, you might not make as much progress as you think you should if you struggle to get a good night’s sleep consistently. 

Watch what you drink

It’s easy to forget that many of the beverages you drink contain calories, and some of them are very calorie-heavy. Whether you enjoy alcoholic beverages or you’re more of a soda person, limit or eliminate sugary and alcoholic beverages if you want to stay on track with meeting your weight loss goals.

Furthermore, it’s essential that you drink plenty of water to reach your weight loss goals. Staying hydrated helps you burn more calories, and doing so before a meal fills you up faster. 

Ready for more information?

Weight loss doesn’t have to be confusing. If you’re feeling stuck or have hit a plateau, schedule a consultation for medical weight loss over the phone or online at neXendo Wellness. 

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