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Grocery List for PCOS

Bolded font “PCOS Grocery List @neXendowellness” with an arrow pointing right pasted on top of a photograph of a fruit and ve

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, or PCOS for short, is a very common endocrine disorder that can cause many symptoms including irregular periods, excess hair growth, acne, and obesity.

Insulin resistance and weight gain is a common effect of living with PCOS, and eating healthy, anti-inflammatory foods can help decrease the symptoms you live with on a daily basis. 

It can be difficult to figure out how to grocery shop for certain needs, like anti-inflammation. The list below may help you get started! 

* If you would like a more personalized plan based on your specific body composition, metabolic rate, and dietary needs, shoot us a message and book an appointment with our team. 

O apples
O avocado
O banana
O cherries
O guava
O kiwi
O melon
O oranges
O peaches

O bell peppers
O brocccoi
O carrots
O cauliflower
O celery
O cucumber
O eggplant
O tomato 
O mushrooms
O spinach 
O squash 
O zucchini

O alternative milk
O greek yogurt
O cheese

Meat, Poultry, Fish-
O beef
O lobster
O chicken
O pork
O clams
O salmon
O cod
O shrimp
O eggs
O tuna
O lamb
O turkey

Nuts + Seeds-
O almonds
O pecans
O brazil nuts
O pepitas 
O cashews
O pistachios
O chia seeds
O sunflower
O flaxseed
O walnuts

Pantry -
O apple cider vinegar
O baking flour
O balsamic
O beans
O bone broth
O brown rice
O chickpeas
O grain crackers
O lentils
O oats
O pesto
O quinoa
O tea
O tomato sauce
O wild rice
O whole grain bread

O avocado chunks
O frozen berries
O frozen chicken
O frozen fish
O frozen veggies

Fats + Oils-
O avocado oil
O coconut oil
O grass fed butter
O nut butters
O olive oil
O protein waffles

O guacamole
O kombucha
O hummus
O salsa
O kimchi
O tofu

NeXendo Wellness

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