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Do You Suffer from Digestive Issues?

Digestive issues are so common nowadays that most of us have probably experienced them in some capacity throughout our lives. If you suffer from GI upset — like bloating, constipation, urgency, frequency and gas — your gut may be telling a story.

So let’s start with the basics. How can minimize GI distress and improve digestion?

First, keep foods healthy and as natural as possible!

Second, identify trigger foods to eliminate or limit (common ones include dairy, spicy foods, fatty meals, alcohol). There are several ways to do this, so consult with your Dietitian to figure out the best plan for you.

Also make sure to pay attention to less common foods such as beans, lentils, cruciferous vegetables, caffeine and mint. Although these are healthy, they may lead to digestive issues for many individuals.

Make sure to include probiotics in your diet. Common sources are kombucha, kimchi, kefir and yogurt. You may also add a probiotic supplement if you don’t consume these enough.

Increase physical activity! Physical activity is essential in maintaining digestive function, especially when dealing with constipation.

Focus on fibrous foods (like whole grains, nuts, seeds, vegetables, fruits, beans/lentils), but remember to drink enough water. As your fiber intake increases, your water intake should increase as well; 2-4 liters per day is sufficient for most individuals.

Avoid big meals, but also do not constantly snack. Make sure to be mindful and only snack when you’re actually hungry. Many individuals confuse thirst for hunger.

Finally, note that better digestion could also lead to weight loss, less fatigue and better sleep!

Try out these tips and if you are still having major issues make sure to contact both a medical provider and a registered dietitian for further individualized support. 

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