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3 Types of Metabolic Tests

3 Types of Metabolic Tests

Your metabolism is a bodily process that involves converting the foods you eat into energy for every cell in your body. A faster metabolism means you burn more calories throughout the day, even while at rest, while a slower metabolism means you don’t burn calories as quickly.

Metabolic testing measures various parameters of your metabolism so you can learn how fast and efficient it is. Plus, the results can guide your personalized wellness plan by Anastasios Manessis, MD, FACE, ECNU, ABOM and Brandon Caraballosa, MS, RD, CDN, CTP, here at neXendo Wellness in Long Island City and Murray Hill, New York City. Your plan may include exercise, a custom nutrition plan, and other components that improve your overall health. 

Here are three common metabolic tests that you might encounter during one of your visits at neXendo Wellness:

1. Resting metabolic rate (RMR)

An RMR test shows how many calories your body burns while you’re not moving or exercising. Your resting metabolic rate can vary based on genetic and environmental factors, like your muscle-to-fat ratio or hormone levels.

Indirect calorimetry is a specific test used to measure your RMR. It’s a test that calculates how much heat you produce while converting oxygen to carbon dioxide as you breathe. The test takes about 10 minutes in the office and involves breathing into a tube. Your provider reviews the results with you right away. 

2. Maximum volume of oxygen (VO2 Max)

VO2 Max measures the amount of oxygen you inhale during aerobic exercise. During the test, you run or bike while breathing into a mask. The intensity of your exercise gradually rises over the course of the test. The test measures the amount of oxygen you take in compared to the amount of carbon dioxide you breathe out. 

Our team interprets your results for you as soon as they’re ready. Generally, the more oxygen you breathe in, the more energy your body can produce. With the results, our team can estimate how many calories you burn during exercise and how many you burn at rest. 

3. Lactate threshold testing

Lactate threshold testing involves a blood test. As you exercise at various intensities, your provider draws your blood. The test measures the point when lactic acid builds up in your muscles faster than it leaves during aerobic exercise, which indicates a point at which your muscles become fatigued. 

Using the results of this metabolic test, our team can determine how much exercise you can safely perform to create your personalized training plan accordingly. 

Want to learn more?

Metabolic testing can tell you a lot about how your body functions. Schedule an appointment over the phone or online at neXendo Wellness for more information on metabolic testing today. 

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