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10 Telltale Signs of Hormone Imbalance

10 Telltale Signs of Hormone Imbalance

Hormones play more roles in your body than you might realize. They control your metabolism, sexual function, and growth, among many other functions. Endocrinology, the study of your hormones, addresses problems with the endocrine glands that produce them. When your hormones are out-of-balance, you can experience a diverse range of signs and symptoms. 

At neXendo Wellness in Long Island City and Murray Hill, New York, our specialists Anastassios Manessis, MD, FACE, ECNU, ABOM, and Brandon Caraballosa, MS, RD, CDN, CTP, can identify and diagnose a hormone imbalance based on your symptoms as well as endocrinology testing. They can also treat hormone imbalances with nutrition services, medications, and hormone therapy depending on the type. 

Yet, before you receive a diagnosis and treatment for a hormone imbalance, you must recognize some of the most common signs of a hormone imbalance. Here are 10 telltale signs of a hormone imbalance that can show up in both men and women:

1. Changes in weight

Watching the number rise on the scale is especially frustrating when your weight gain is both unintentional and outside of your control. Weight gain is a common result of hormone imbalance because a hormone imbalance can slow down your metabolism, which makes it harder for your body to burn calories. Your appetite may also increase due to a hormone imbalance, and elevated levels of certain hormones can also increase your body’s fat storage capacity. 

Alternatively, some hormone changes lead to weight loss. If you find that the number on the scale is going down despite no changes to your usual routine or diet, a hormone imbalance could be at play. 

2. Changes in skin

Multiple skin changes can be the result of a hormone imbalance. If you notice an increase in oiliness and acne, dryness and flaking, or dark discoloration, changes in your hormones may be the source of the problem. Fortunately, these changes improve with personalized treatment. 

3. Moodiness

Everyone gets a little irritable from time to time. Yet, frequent irritability and mood changes that are out of character might be a sign that something is off. One of many roles that hormones play in your body is regulating your emotions, and when those hormones increase or decrease, the results are unusual or frequent fluctuations in your mood. 

4. Tiredness

The daily grind may be causing you to feel tired. But if your tiredness ramps up to the point of debilitating fatigue, the underlying cause is likely more than regular burnout. Hormone imbalances frequently cause sleepiness, so you should let our team know. 

5. Sexual dysfunction

Sexual dysfunction from hormone imbalances affects men and women in different ways. Men experiencing a hormone imbalance may experience erectile dysfunction or a low sex drive. 

For women, hormone imbalances affect sexual function, too. You might experience a decline in your sex drive, vaginal atrophy, pain during sex, or a lack of lubrication. 

6. Increased thirst

A hormone imbalance can throw off your body’s ability to retain water, which causes you to be thirsty all the time. When you’re thirsty, you tend to drink a lot. When you drink a lot, you tend to urinate more. Even if you don’t notice the excessive thirst, you might notice yourself taking more frequent trips to the restroom.

7. Headaches

If you find yourself experiencing more headaches than normal, you may be experiencing a shift in your hormones. 

8. Hair loss or thinning

Hair loss and thinning can happen naturally due to genetics or with obvious causes like chemotherapy or a scalp infection. A less conspicuous cause is a fluctuation in your hormones. If you start losing hair and you’re not sure why, a hormone blood test can provide answers. 

9. Mental fogginess

Certain hormone imbalances can lead to trouble paying attention or problems with recollection. If you consistently have trouble thinking clearly, mention your cognitive decline to our team. 

10. Slow-to-heal sores

If you incur a skin and soft tissue injury one day, it tends to heal within a few weeks. When you notice that a wound isn’t healing, it could be due to a hormonal imbalance.

Report suspicious symptoms and changes in how you feel if they’re persistent or impact your well-being. Schedule an appointment over the phone or online for expert endocrinology care at neXendo Wellness today. 

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